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Blog 5 Vitamin water and Multivitamins

Hello, I’m Dr. Sandip Mathur, a gastroenterologist in Abilene, Texas.

How about Vitamin Water? 

The simple answer: no particular benefit.

But what about the fact that it has all these vitamins?

If you have a good diet, chances are that you don’t need much vitamin supplementation. A recent study found that patients taking multivitamins daily did not have any improved survival over those who did not. 

However, most of us have a variable diet. My suggestion is to take a multivitamin pill once or twice a week. If you have a disease that affects absorption, like Crohn’s disease, then you could take a multivitamin daily. 

What about specific vitamins? Who needs B complex or B12 or Vitamin C? There are specific populations but not everyone. I will go into that in my next blog. 

Remember, these are general medical guidelines, you must always check with your own PCP.

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